The yearbook early bird sale has begun! The price is $20.00 for a yearbook. On Thursday, April 8th the price will change to $25.00. We will also have online sales for the first time this year using the link below. Payment can also be delivered to the school office. (Checks payable to Grenora School)
over 3 years ago, Grenora Public School
over 3 years ago, Grenora Public School
Just a quick reminder, please make sure your child(ren) are dressed weather appropriate for outside recess.
over 3 years ago, Grenora Public School
Reminder: There will be NO School on Tuesday, April 6, 2021. We are hosting the regional music festival on that day. This was selected after the 2020-2021 calendar went out so it is not on our original calendar. We also have Friday, April 2nd and Monday, April 5th off. Have a great weekend! Mr. Rudningen
almost 4 years ago, Aaron Rudningen
almost 4 years ago, Grenora Public School
Today's Women Easter Egg Hunt
almost 4 years ago, Grenora Public School
Easter Egg Hunt
Polar Plunge
almost 4 years ago, Grenora Public School
Polar Plunge Letter
Dear Music Parents: Volunteers are needed to assist with food prep for the April 6th music festival being held at the Grenora School. We need 3-5 people to assist with building sandwiches and bag lunches. This group will meet at 7 pm on Monday, April 5 to prepare the meals for the festival. This group will also assist with preparing maple sticks. We also need 8 pans of bars for the festival. Arrangements can be made to drop these off at the school on April 5th or they can be dropped off that evening during the bag lunch prep. Please fill in your name on the attached signup sheet or contact the office to sign up. If you have additional questions or concerns please contact Mr Miller or Mr. Rudningen. 701-694-2711 Sincerely, Kim Rudningen
almost 4 years ago, Aaron Rudningen
Fishing Raffle
almost 4 years ago, Grenora Public School
Purple Power
almost 4 years ago, Grenora Public School
Purple Power
March School Board Meeting: Monday, March 15, 2021 7:00 p.m. cst Link To Agenda:
almost 4 years ago, Aaron Rudningen
March 15 Agenda
Prom Tux info
almost 4 years ago, Grenora Public School
MUSIC BOOSTER MEETING TONIGHT, March 2nd @ 7:00 pm in the GPS lunchroom. All parents with students in music grades 5-12 please attend.
almost 4 years ago, Grenora Public School
Reminder of the early out Wednesday, March 3, 2021 we will dismiss school at 2:00 p.m. cst. Also there will be NO AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM. This will allow for staff, students, and families to attend the Thunder divisional basketball games in Sidney if they are planning to go. Tickets are available in the office.
almost 4 years ago, Grenora Public School
🎶MUSIC BOOSTER MEETING🎶 Tuesday, March 2nd @ 7:00 pm in the GPS lunchroom. All parents with students in music grades 5-12 please attend. 🎵
almost 4 years ago, Grenora Public School
There will be Basketball Open Gym for 4th and 5th Grade boys tonight (3/1) and tomorrow (3/2) after school @ 3:30 CST. This is not a practice and is not mandatory. If you have questions please contact Coach Wade.
almost 4 years ago, Blake Lampert
Elementary basketball will be live streamed on NFHS Network tomorrow (2/27) starting at 10am CST. Games will be listed under Westby-Grenora Thunder High School.
almost 4 years ago, Blake Lampert
Information is attached regarding the Divisional Basketball Tournament in Sidney, MT on March 3-6. If you have any questions please contact the Grenora School @ 701-694-2711.
almost 4 years ago, Blake Lampert
Divisional Tournament Info
Good Morning Everyone, We will be dismissing school at 2:00 p.m. cst on Wednesday, March 3, 2021.  Evening Bus routes will run starting at 2:00 p.m.  This will allow for staff, students, and families to attend the Thunder divisional basketball games in Sidney if they are planning to go.  Tickets are available in the office.
almost 4 years ago, Aaron Rudningen
Reminder: Parent Teacher Conferences are tomorrow (Thursday February 25 from 4-9 pm.) These will be in person but please remember to keep social distance in the hallways. Mr. Rudningen
almost 4 years ago, Aaron Rudningen